Thursday, February 6, 2014

First advertisement analysis- 'Fresh and Tasty' & 'Veira 3D Panasonic'

Fresh and Tasty
This advertisement for the Dallas Farmers Market appeals, or catches the attention of the audience as it resembles the chip container of a famous fast food restaurant. This is effective because the audience will at first think it is advertising the fast food, and then once they look closer they will realise that is is actually about a farmers market, and vegetables. The use of colour is also effective as bright colours have been used, which also assists in getting the attention of the audience. The advertisement is mainly visual, meaning there are not many words that the audience must read, aside from the essential information. This informs the audience about what they need to know and can be read and understood in a short amount of time. 

Veira 3D- Panasonic

The advertisement about the 3D TV is very eye catching as it is an unusual sight. When the audience first glances at the picture they will see that there is a dinosaur in the living room. This also helps in emphasizing the point of it being a 3D TV and it feeling like the movie or television show is real. Neutral colours have also been used to create ore of a wild and jungle like look to the living room, and around the main part (the dinosaur) it is brighter and as you get further to the edge of the picture is darkens, helping create a focal point. Also there are not many words other than brand and type of TV it is. This a smart move on the advertisers part as the company knows that it is a well known company therefore doesn’t need to provide the reader with any more information, also by not having many words it doesn’t bore the audience. 

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