Thursday, February 6, 2014

Hand Sanitiser- Advertisement analysis

This advertisement is promoting hand sanitiser, and uses various visual techniques as well as limited words, which  makes the advertisement extremely eye catching.

The artist has used a number of visual techniques to draw attention to the audience and make them want to buy the product. The image is of a telephone machine, but rather than using actual buttons, dirty fingers have been used. This has been used to make the audience think about what they have been touching and what germs would be on their hands, therefore causing them to want to use hand sanitizer. Along with this, the artist has enhanced the effect by using dull colours, rather than bright ones. This makes the image look more gloomy, and less happy which is what the artist wants you to feel about the dirt on your hands. Visual techniques have been greatly used in this advertisement and help with drawing the audiences attention.

In the advertisement the image is the main focal point, and uses only limited words. Although it does not give a great deal of information to the audience it give what is needed the brand and a simple rhetorical question. This is effective as it doesn’t make the advertisement too busy, and the image is so powerful that extra unneeded  words and written components are no
t needed.

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